Honor Code/Cheating Policy
Students are expected to be honest and honorable in the performance of all assignments. Cheating includes: allowing someone to copy your work, copying the work of others, and plagiarism, on ANY assignment. Plagiarism is the use of the ideas, wording, or information of another without appropriate documentation, creating the false and misleading impression that the material is the student’s own original work. Consequences for such action shall be:
First Offense
- Student will conference with school administration and teacher. The student may receive a “0” on the assignment or be required to complete an alternative assignment(s) for grade replacement.
- ISS will be assigned.
- The Faculty Council of the National Honor Society will be informed by the administration and appropriate action, up to and including dismissal from NHS, will be determined.
Subsequent Offenses
- Repeat of first offense actions/consequences
- Student will be suspended immediately from all school activities by the administration for two weeks.
- Student will be dismissed from NHS.
- Offenses are cumulative and carry from one school year to another.
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